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1. Can anyone use EP Chef?

EP Chef can cater to the nutritional needs of various ages and we look forward to meeting you if you are in need of personal chef services. EP Chef can cook for young business professionals, busy families, senior citizens, all walks of life, if you have need for a personal chef contact EP Chef today. Whether you're looking for healthy eating or not, EP Chef is for you, whatever you want or need. Meal prep your way with your own EP Chef.

2. What services are provided?

EP Chef provides a personal chef to cook meals in your home to be eaten as you wish during the week. Your chef can pick up your meal grocery order for you beforehand, if needed. They prep and cook main course meals depending on the number of people being cooked for and the amount of time required for the requested meals. 

3. What type of meals will my chef cook?

Your chef will make whatever meals you would like, they can be healthy or not, you choose the menu. Let us know if there is a certain diet that you are following or if there are certain guidelines your doctor would like you following, so that your chef can adhere to your diet as much as possible within your menu. Be prepared to tell your chef what you would like for the following week, after each cooking session, together you will discuss and plan your menu 4 days in advance. EP Chef does not make desserts or breads, as those are quite time consuming.

4. What is the cost of using EP Chef?

The average cost is typically $160-$260 a week, depending on the number of people your chef will be cooking for and whether any additional services are added, the amount of extra work and time required for certain meals, etc. The cost for groceries are not included, and typically are around $70-$95/ week, that can vary and depend entirely on your personal brand preferences and the number of people being cooked for. Grocery costs vary depending on inflation and EP Chef has no control over the cost of groceries.

5. Does EP Chef accept insurance?

At this time EP Chef does not accept insurance, however if your insurance covers a meal service, EP Chef is more than happy to work with you and your provider to arrange it, if possible.

6. Will EP Chef charge double for me and my spouse?

No, EP Chef will not charge you double for your spouse or child, provided that the menu is the same and you do not require additional time or work beyond the single scheduled time slot. The additional cost of groceries is your full responsibility in advance. Standard service rates for 1-2 people are typically $160, while 3-4 person families are typically $210.

7. Can my chef cook simpler and faster meals for my whole family in one time slot so we can only pay $160?

EP Chef can cook whatever you want, however charges are based on a combination of time, work, and size of meals when it comes to families or large groups. Your chef is in your home for 3-4 hours and those 3-4 hours are not all for cooking, they include cleaning up after themselves and adequate prep time. EP Chef easily accommodates families, and most of our clients are families. Cooking for families is more time consuming and usually requires more time and bigger meals. We are flexible though and understanding of clients budgets. EP Chef is always willing to work with clients to meet their needs, so please do not hesitate to contact us with your specific situation and meal needs.

8. If I am elderly but have a child in my care, will EP Chef cook for them as well?

Absolutely. There are various situations that EP Chef is more than happy to accommodate, and various ages within the same menu and scheduled service appointment. Please contact us to explain your situation and we will work to make it work for you.

9. How often will my chef cook for me?

Your chef will arrive on the same day and time every week. Exceptions may occur due to holidays, etc.

10. What if I won't be home or need to pause services due to an emergency?

You do not need to present, however your chef will need access to your home so that they can cook and store your meals. Please contact us to make arrangements in advance. If there is an emergency, for example you are in the hospital, please notify us as soon as possible so that we can pause your services until you return home.

11. Do you offer a non-weekly plan?

EP Chef does offer a bi-weekly plan in certain situations, such as older couples who cannot eat as much anymore. A chef would come out every other week rather than every week and cook double the amount needed for the one person or portion out the smaller amounts for the older couple to last them two weeks. Please call EP Chef to inquire.

12. If I have a guest(s) coming from out-of-town for a week and I want my chef to cook for them too, can they?

EP Chef is always happy to accommodate clients' guests, if given enough notice. Please contact EP Chef as soon as possible so all arrangements can be made in advance with your billing, grocery order, and menu. No arrangements can occur on the day of your cooking session and any scheduled after would have to be billed as a new cooking session. Please contact EP Chef as soon as possible in this situation.

13. Can I sign up with a friend to cut costs?

EP Chef has several clients who split the meals and split the costs between them. EP Chef accepts this provided that the menu is the same and clients do not require additional time or work beyond the single scheduled time slot.

14. How long will the chef be at my home?

Your chef has a 3 hour window for 1-2 person meals, and a 4 hour window for 3-4 hour meals. This amount of time includes prep, such as cutting, mixing, and creating the meal prior to cooking or baking. The amount of time also includes the actual time required for cooking or baking your meals. Lastly, the time also includes any time the chef needs to clean up after themselves. The menu cannot exceed the allowed amount of time. For example, if a meal is time consuming and, for example, takes 1.5-2 hours of prep and cooking, then the other 2 meals must only take a combined hour of prep and cooking, if 4 hours are allowed. In this instance someone must be available in the home to safely store the food away if it has not had the chance to cool down prior to the session ending.

15. Do the meals include sides?

Your chef puts their time into making sure that you have your 3 delicious main dishes finished by the end of the session. If the chef deems that there is enough time for a side, the chef will make a side that is quick and easy and that pairs well with the dish. Not all dishes will have a side. A soup, casserole, or pasta dish, for example, will likely not have a side. Depending on what main dishes you request, your chef will likely try to accommodate a side in your grocery list in case there is time. 

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